Kansainväliset kongressit
2024Cape Town
2021Virtual Event
2020Virtual Event
2017Rio de Janeiro
Cahiers de droit fiscal international - Kansallisreportterit
2023Sharing and shifting of corporate losses - The new profit shifting? - Sanni Tirkkonen & Minna Vennamo
Good faith in domestic and international tax law - Matti Urpilainen
2022Group approach and separate entity approach in domestic and international tax law - Emmiliina Kujanpää
Big data and tax - domestic and international taxation of data driven business - Martti Nieminen
2021Ei Cahiers-julkaisua (virtuaalikongressi Covid-pandemian vuoksi)
2020 Reconstructing the treaty network - Tuomas Ahonen
Exchange of information: issues, use and collaboration - Kristiina Äimä
2019 Interest Deductibility: the implementation of BEPS Action 4 - Tomi Viitala
Investment Funds - Tarja Järvinen
2018 Seeking anti-avoidance measures of general nature and scope - GAAR and other rules - Reijo Knuutinen
Withholding tax in era of BEPS, CIVs and digital economy - Einari Karhu
2017 Assessing BEPS: Origins, Standards, and Responses - Jari Salokoski
The Future of Transfer Pricing - Sami Laaksonen
2016 Dispute resolution procedures in international tax matters - Leena Aine
The notion of tax in international tax matters - Outi Siimes
2015 Tax incentives on Research and Development (R&D) - Anu Rajamäki
The practical protection of taxpayer´s fundamental rights - Kristiina Äimä
2014 Cross-border outsourcing - issues, strategies and solutions - Kai Sajalahti, Jari Ahonen
Qualification of taxable entities and treaty protection - Mika Nissinen
2013 The taxation of foreign passive income for groups of companies - Nina Leväjärvi
Exchange of information and cross-border cooperation between tax authorities - Ann-Sofi Johansson
2012 Enterprise services - Kirsi Hiltunen
The debt-equity conundrum - Tomi Viitala
2011 Cross-border business restructuring - Sami Tuominen
Key practical issues to eliminate double taxation of business income - Kristiina Äimä
2010 Tax treaties and tax avoidance: application of anti-avoidance provisions - Antti Lehtimaja
Death as a taxable event and its international ramifications - Pekka Nykänen, Timo Räbinä
2009 Is there a permanent establishment? - Marianne Malmgrén, Jaakko Sivonen
Foreign exchange issues in international taxation - Ossi Haapaniemi